SANDPLAY : a tool that facilitates expression par excellence!
Miniature dramatization
Illustration d'un jeu de sable - Accompagné par la Psychothérapeute et formatrice Marie-Rose Krochmalnicky - Fondatrice du centre de formation "Luminescence" à Cagnes-sur-Mer (06)
Sandplay is defined by the ISST (International Society for Sandplay Therapy) as a therapeutic method developed by Dora M. Kalff, based on the psychological principles of CGJung. This approach is a creative form of therapy using the imagination,"a concentrated extract of both physical and psychic life forces". (CGJung) It is characterized by the use of sand, water and miniature figures in the creation of images within a "free and protected space" of the therapeutic relationship and the sandbox. A series of images represented in the tray creates a continuous dialogue between the conscious and unconscious aspects of the client's psyche, which activates a healing process and the development of the personality.This therapeutic method can be applied with adults and children.
The principle consists in shaping the desires and psychic complexes of the consultant from situations, feelings or others. The consultant chooses figurines/miniature objects then places them in the sandbox to make them evolve if necessary. These miniature objects serve as projection supports and archetypes symbolizing aspects of the seeker's life and personality.
Encourage self-expression
Storytelling in symbolic language
Explore and unify aspects of self
Materialize aspects of your inner/outer life to clarify sometimes unconscious concerns
Refocus, take stock of your priorities, desires, needs and deep aspirations
Free yourself from contained emotions
Release the stress
Revealing one's resources and potential to improve self-esteem and self-confidence
Improve your relationship to yourself, to others and to events
Traditional device
The device requires special equipment: a container containing sand, a carafe filled with water and a whole collection of figurines of all kinds and various and varied materials.
Sand box = container
The wooden box is designed to the dimensions of a person's field of vision: long. 75 cm x width. 50 cm x height. edges 7 cm.
The interior of the tank is painted blue so as to facilitate the representation of the water (sea, lake, river, etc.) and air (sky, horizon, etc.) elements.
The tray acts as a psychic container, thanks to its solid edges and its dimensions, neither too small nor too large, which offer a space for free and reassuring expression.
Sand = sensoriality, materiality, malleability…
The sand is natural and has the particularity of being able to be worked both dry and wet. It represents a raw material that invites you to let go, to the sensory experience that brings you back to the body and to the present moment. It encourages a regression to the pleasure of playing and facilitates spontaneous and authentic expression. It also allows you to build and deconstruct, stabilize objects, bury them, raise them, etc.
Items = symbolic projection supports
The collection of objects is heterogeneous and consists of characters, animals, means of transport, natural elements, historical, mythological and fantastic figurines, small objects and symbols relating to different aspects of life and, finally , materials of all kinds. The more diverse and varied the collection of objects, the greater the possibilities of expression. It is also possible to make them (modeling clay, clay, paper mache, wood, etc.)
Quelques nuances non négligeables
entre le SANDPLAY et le SANDTRAY
Qu'est-ce que le JEU DE SABLE INTÉGRATIF ?
L'approche du jeu de sable que je vous propose est intégrative. Elle intègre le sandplay et le sandtray en s’appuyant sur un cadre art-thérapeutique ouvert à différentes approches telles que la psychologie analytique jungienne, la gestalt, la phénoménologie, la systémique, l’analyse transactionnelle, la théorie de l’attachement, et la psychogénéalogie. Cette application plurielle repose sur une vision humaniste et donc centrée sur la personne dans sa globalité et ses ressources singulières pour faire face à ses difficultés. Quelques soient les déclinaisons de l’outil, son essence reste le langage symbolique.
Dora Kalff, pionnière du Jeu de sable - Documentaire réalisé par Peter Ammann (1972)
Carl Gustav Jung reçoit un journaliste de la BBC chez lui et parle de son enfance, de sa carrière, de sa relation à Freud, de ses compréhensions de la psyché humaine. Un document exceptionnel réalisé par John Freeman (1959)
Sandplay Therapists of America defines sandplay therapy through interviews with STA/ISST certified teaching members.
Des thérapeutes américains de Jeu de sable définissent la thérapie par le Jeu de sable à travers des interviews d’enseignants membres certifiés STA/ISST
Differences entre le SANDPLAY (Jeu de sable) & le SANDTRAY (plateau de sable) - 2021
A Par Cathi Spooner - Membre active et superviseure at the Association for Play Therapy (APT)